Sunday, September 04, 2022

Media For Good Blog: Coach John Wooden on Succeeding with Integrity (Success Magazine)

Coach John Wooden on Succeeding with Integrity (Success Magazine)

You are standing at a critical crossroads in history.

Scroll through any news app and you’ll find slander, dishonesty and filth coming from the mouths of our current and future leaders. Take a look at the role models your children look up to and you’ll quickly notice patterns of loose standards, unrealistic expectations and unworthy pursuits. When your co-worker does something that violates your personal code of right versus wrong, you feel compelled to remain silent because of the pressure of office politics.

All this leaves you asking: Is success even possible in today’s world without sacrificing integrity or morals?

Yes. But you have to decide to take the path less traveled, and that can be tough. It’s rare to see those who develop and demonstrate integrity, self-discipline, loyalty and character because these qualities go against the crumbling decay of our current societal landscape.

Have you ever felt the pressure of knowing what was right but felt unable to stand up for what you believe? Have you ever had the desire to discover a better, more wholesome approach to success without having to sacrifice your integrity to do it? Have you ever wanted a mentor who could guide you along a more humble path to personal and professional achievement? Coach John Wooden, who led the UCLA men’s basketball team to 10 national championships, had answers to all of these quandaries.

Discover a framework responsible for building championship journeys—not just on the basketball court, where Wooden and his teams set numerous records, but in the game of life.

Sports legends such as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Bobby Bowden, Joe Torre, Bill Walton, Dick Vitale and others called Wooden their teacher, mentor and friend. But even they knew his legacy as a teacher wasn’t limited to basketball or athletics.

Wooden taught what he called the Pyramid of Success, a road map for individual and team excellence you can use to set goals, take action, overcome obstacles and achieve more in life. The Pyramid of Success was the core of the framework and success philosophy Wooden taught for more than 50 years.

Social Media

Greg Tingle

A brilliant and fascinated read about a great man.. Coach Wooden. There's a few expressions that come to find for me... Integrity is everything, and If you want to know the truth worth of a man look at his character and integrity. To that effect. I also say in my business endeavors, Media For Good (one of our business arms) and business as a force for good. Success meets inspiration, perspiration and integrity. He scores, K.O or Touchdown! ...or whatever your favorite sporting code for good sports.

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Media for Good: Social Media and Social Causes themed Media Man Facebook shines a light on both traditional media campaigns and brands as well as social justice and humanitarian news

Social Media and Social Causes themed Media Man Facebook shines a light on both traditional media campaigns and brands as well as social justice and humanitarian news

Media For Good Blog: Lachlan Murdoch sues Australian website alleging it claimed he was complicit in Jan 6 riots - 24th August 2022

Lachlan Murdoch sues Australian website alleging it claimed he was complicit in Jan 6 riots - 24th August 2022

Crikey’s original article was removed when Murdoch’s lawyer wrote to the news outlet in June but was republished last week.

Rupert Murdoch’s son is suing an Australian website for defamation in a Sydney court over an opinion piece about last year’s Jan 6 Jan insurrection in the US Capitol building.

Fox Corp chief executive Lachlan Murdoch accused Crikey of defamation after the website, he said, accused him of being complicit in the riots last year.

Meanwhile, Crikey publisher Private Media on Wednesday “welcomed” Federal Court proceedings filed this week by Mr Murdoch.

Mr Murdoch’s lawyers claim Crikey published an article in June this year that implied he “illegally conspired with Donald Trump to incite an armed mob to march on the Capitol to physically prevent confirmation of the outcome of the 2020 presidential election”.

In the article that ran on 29 June, lawyers claimed it described Mr Murdoch as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the effort by Trump supporters to overturn his 2020 election loss to president Joe Biden, stated the lawsuit.

“Murdoch has been gravely injured in his character, his personal reputation, and his professional reputation,” the lawsuit added.

Crikey’s editor Peter Fray, and Eric Beecher, the chairman of its publisher Private Media, said, “we are determined to fight for the integrity and importance of diverse independent media in Australian democracy”.

This week, Crikey’s Murdoch letters series revealed how media power works in the country. Private Media chief Will Hayward said: “We welcome Lachlan Murdoch’s writ. We believe that coverage of the events of 6 January at the US Capitol, and the role of Fox News in those events, is absolutely legitimate.”

Sydney Morning Herald quoted Mr Hayward as saying that “the best way to support our case is to subscribe to Crikey”.

He posted a series of tweets with a link to subscribe and said: “Here in Australia, if we lose the case in court, the cost to Crikey could be millions in damages and legal costs.”

Crikey’s original article was removed from the website along with a Facebook post and tweet when Mr Murdoch’s lawyer John Churchill wrote to the news outlet in June. Local media reported it was republished last week, triggering moves to file proceedings.