Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lights out? Let's party, everybody, by Jennie Curtin - The Sydney Morning Herald - 28th March 2009

As Sydney's ferries sound their horns at 8.30 tonight, they will trigger the start of many activities for Earth Hour.

At the Table Bar on the lower ground floor of the old GPO in Martin Place, the desperate and dateless will begin speed dating by candlelight.

At Sydney Observatory, amateur astronomers will look into a rare Sydney darkness.

And at Circular Quay, treasure hunters will begin to make sense of environmental clues.

Cockatoo Island is fully booked for 280 people to camp by candlelight. And at Taronga Zoo, the Environment Institute of Australia will host a green-tie ball.

A beach party at Avalon will begin an hour earlier, at 7.30pm, with fire-twirling and live music pumped through solar-powered amps. It will follow an eco-living expo, from 3pm to 6pm, at the Avalon Surf Life Saving Club.

At Bondi Beach, Kid Mac, an Earth Hour spokesman, will perform in a concert that also marks National Youth Week.

Mosmanites - notorious for having one of the largest carbon footprints in the world - can take food and candles to the Rotunda at Balmoral Beach and picnic to the tunes of a string quartet.

At Manly there will be music and scuba diving, a sausage sizzle and free candles.

Many local councils have arranged events. Among them, Willoughby will host a free evening of drumming, fire twirling and music at Naremburn Park, on the corner of Park Road and Station Street, from 5pm to 9.30pm. There will be recycling workshops, renewable energy information and sustainable living demonstrations. Jane Caro from The Gruen Transfer will be MC.

At Carss Bush Park, in the Kogarah Council area, people can watch an Aboriginal Dreaming story told through dance, didjeridoos and clapsticks. (Credit: The Sydney Morning Herald)

Media Man Australia Profiles

Earth Hour

Bondi Beach

Green News Media

Environmentalists and the Environment
